Make Ready - Unlimited - Mox Ruby Double Print


Condition: CGC4.5
Sale price$100,000
In stock



The trimmed round corners cards (as well as only one 4 square corner card) come from a Rare setup sheet of 117 rares and 4 Islands. Some cards out of that first sheet were given an attempt to get rounds corners for the personal use of the Carta Mundi employee who wanted to play with them, while the other sheet that was uncut at the Carta Mundi facility was hand cut much later with square corners. Set up sheet definition: They are used for the printing (error checking, color matching, etc.). Printers never waste anything, so sample sheets from one setup were probably flipped over to help set up printing of another series. The only problem is that one of these sheets (probably later used as protection on the bottom of a stack of regular production sheets) actually got processed through the cutters and got turned into cards. These cards have been pocketed by a worker to show off what was being produced (showing friends a sample). In either event, most of these types of cards would get thrown out, but in this case, someone decided to hang on to them. 

Why these cards are not Test Prints: These misprints were never meant to be made as cards or released to the public. That these combinations even exist is likely due to a printer's desire to reuse and recycle discarded product wherever possible. The printer was reusing the backside of some rejected cardstock as a press preparation on some later printing (perhaps a color or technical composition check, or perhaps checking the performance of a printing press. We'll never know without seeing the rest of the sheet). This sheet was obviously rejected more than once, and was expected to be destroyed. It might have been used as packaging, or maybe even thrown out. Yet somehow it survived and was cut into cards (maybe its last use was to set up the blades in the cutting stage for good magic sheets).

From Preston Cordy (kidicarus2000) *rectified statement*: "This card came from a full sheet of these test prints. The sheet had one of each Unlimited rare printed on the front. On the back, both a full Antiquities sheet and an Unlimited common sheet are printed on top of each other. The sheet was rolled up at some point, which led to the cards being slightly warped. The sheet was hand-cut at some point, though it is unclear who cut it. Because the sheet was hand-cut using one of the old school cutting boards, the cards are slightly smaller than normal cards."

This is indeed correct, except that they are not Test Prints

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